
Another Kind of Hobby

Started by OldBaldie, Jan 26, 2025, 11:20 AM

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Back in the day I was a member of a garage band, as were a lot of others.We played a few Sock Hops at the local Jr. High Schools, but mostly had fun. I Played Rhythm guitar, I was brought up Catholic so I was a natural at it.

Then came College, the Army, Wife and Kids I didn't play very often. A few years Before Covid I picked up a used acoustic and started to play again. My wife said if I was gonna play I should take lessons, thank you dear.

Took lessons for a few years and had to correct a few bad habits. My instructor started to introduce me to Bluegrass Music, being from NY I never really listened to it. So for the last 2 years I get together with a few people (10-12) twice a month to play Bluegrass and a sprinkling of Gospel music. I will say when I first played Gospel I was expecting a bolt of lightning to come down and fry me, but so far so good.

I do still get together with some folks, break out my electric and play some old rock and roll.

Like all hobbies I started to "Collect" some guitars and amps. There is one more guitar and one more amp I'm looking for, but then again there will always be one more.

1970 Schwinn Twinn Deluxe Sky Blue
1973 Schwinn Suburban Opaque Blue Men's 5sp
1973 Schwinn Suburban Opaque Blue Woman's 10 sp
1973 Schwinn Continental Opaque Blue Men's 10sp
1980's Schwinn World Tourist Sky Blue Men's 3 sp (Mfg by Giant)
1972 Peugeot UO-8 Green Men's 10sp


One of my former coworkers was very much into collecting guitars and he wasn't too bad at playing. Some of his guitars were made right here in PA, Martin guitars. They are located just north of Philadelphia in Nazareth PA. They give factory tours.

I helped my coworker set up an Ebay and Craiglist accounts so he could buy and sell his guitars. I actually learned a little about guitars as far as manufacturers and what is collectable. I called him 'the space alien" because he was at one point abducted. For me music is one those things I am only capable of listening too and these descriptions fit my musical talents, tin ear, can't carry a tune in a bucket etc... :o


Martin makes a high quality guitar. I found a link once for an online factory tour, it was very interesting.

A while back I was in a music shop trying out different guitars just t see how they felt and sounded. I picked up a Martin and it was so easy to play and sounded fantastic. Then took a look at the price tag and said nope, $5K was a little too rich for my blood. I paid $2K for my 12 string and that bothered me for some time, but I'm over that now.
1970 Schwinn Twinn Deluxe Sky Blue
1973 Schwinn Suburban Opaque Blue Men's 5sp
1973 Schwinn Suburban Opaque Blue Woman's 10 sp
1973 Schwinn Continental Opaque Blue Men's 10sp
1980's Schwinn World Tourist Sky Blue Men's 3 sp (Mfg by Giant)
1972 Peugeot UO-8 Green Men's 10sp


Bass guitar is my other hobby. I can tell you for certain that most Fender p-bass's from the 60's and 70's have a special "mojo" - just like Schwinns!