
Paris Sport 1968

Started by tommygun, Feb 11, 2025, 12:36 PM

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Here is the 1968 Paris Sport that I built when I worked in the Schwinn Store as a kid. It has seen many changes and additions since then, and has been ridden thousands of miles in its life, but now it mostly sits quietly in front of our fireplace in the family room for me to enjoy.

It started out as a frame hanging above the cash register at the shop, and I made weekly payments on it until it was mine. The picture is from the last time I went through it a couple of years ago. It has a Huret Jubilee rear derailleur and Campagnolo shifters, as it was built from whatever parts I could find and afford as a kid.


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Very cool bike TommyGun. My brother had a Paris Sport from the 70's and I remember it had rubber handlebar grips on it.