
Hello again from Vermont!

Started by Bikes42, Nov 11, 2024, 05:12 PM

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Great news when I heard the SBF was back in existence! Hello to everyone who was with us at the old forum.

For those of you who are new, my name is Tad and I'm in southwestern Vermont. I have a deep love of Schwinn bikes, but also have expanded my interests in the past two or three years. We have several tandems, hence the Bikes42 moniker, but have not ridden those much lately.

Looking forward to spending time here instead of some of the other bike groups I was using to fill the void!


Several Schwinn bikes including: Paramount, Prelude (2), Super Sport (6), Premis, Sports Tourer
Other favorites:
Merckx: Corsa Extra, Sallanches 64, Liege 75, Titanium EX
Lemond: Buenos Aires, Zurich
Serotta: Colorado LT
Raleigh: Competition
Redline: Conquest


Good hearing from you again Tad. Things have changed with me. mainly, my health is not as good when it was before the old forum went down. Mostly dealing with torn retina issues. It's good to see you here again, too. I missed your friendship. For me, it is the opposite. I've been selling and trying to sell my bikes to get down to a more manageable collection than what I had and still have. Take care yourself. I never forgot about your then young son doing the biographical report on Major Taylor. That was a high moment for me hearing that story on the old forum.
