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Schwinn Library / Re: The Schwinn library book s...
Last post by rickpaulos - Feb 11, 2025, 11:57 PM
No HAnds
The Rise and Fall of the Schwinn Bicycle Company, An American Institution
by Judith Crown and Glenn Coleman
ISBN 0-8050-3553-2

A history of the company including the first bankruptcy years.
The authors state they had no cooperation with the company.  I found some errors but then there are errors in most books. Now nearly 30 years later when we have a better view of what was going on in the bicycle industry then, some things are so much more obvious.  Schwinn was more a victim of the greed that has driven so much American industry to china, something Schwinn participated in, in a failed attempt to survive.  Retailers who push "low prices" are as much to blame.

Overall a very good read.

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Schwinn Library / Re: The Schwinn library book s...
Last post by rickpaulos - Feb 11, 2025, 11:48 PM
Schwinn -Built Bicycles
Super Balloon Tire Bicycles 1933 - World War II
by James Hurd $ T.A.Gordon
published in 1992 by Antique Classic Bicycle News
The most complete time line of Schwinn Built Bicycles
Includes Detailed information on:
B 10 E Motobike
Auto Cycle
DX Model
Cycle Truck
New World.

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Schwinn Library / Re: The Schwinn library book s...
Last post by rickpaulos - Feb 11, 2025, 11:41 PM
1989 Schwinn Lightweight Bicycles
flip it over and you get
1989 Schwinn All Terrain Bicycles
large size catalog for $2.00
Appears to be Steve Tilford on the cover. RIP.

Not a book but it's in my library.

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Schwinn Library / Re: The Schwinn library book s...
Last post by rickpaulos - Feb 11, 2025, 11:34 PM
Schwinn Bicycle Service Manual Vol 1 & Vol 2
published by Schwinn in 1969 to 1972.
Vol 1 mostly covers rear hubs.
My edition of Vol 2 is lacking a table of contents.

There have been similar all purpose repair books by Glenn, Zinn, Bicycling Magazine, etc.

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Schwinn Library / The Schwinn library book shelf
Last post by rickpaulos - Feb 11, 2025, 11:33 PM
I have books on bicycles.  Hum more books or bikes? I'm not counting.

I am listing here the Schwinn books.  Books about Schwinn or published by Schwinn.  Some are very limited prints so you may never find copies for sale. Others are available.

I'll start in publication order. Those that I have on hand now.  There are some that don't have publication dates so I guess on those.  I may find more in my library later on.  I invite others to add books to this thread not already listed that are Schwinn specific. There are countless books on  where to ride, bike riding, bike repair, bike racing, bike touring, bike photography, travelogues, buyers guides, bike philosophy, bike fiction and so on.  Trying to list all bike books is for another thread.  I've made a feeble attempt so shelve my books by category. I've also tried to keep a spreadsheet of my books.  I'm sure I missed some but who ever likes taking inventory.

50 Years of Schwinn Built Bicycles
1949 published by Schwinn bike company, a history of their first 50 years.
No ISBN number as those had not be invented yet.

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Bikes Made in France / Re: Paris Sport 1968
Last post by JeffC - Feb 11, 2025, 01:09 PM
Very cool bike TommyGun. My brother had a Paris Sport from the 70's and I remember it had rubber handlebar grips on it.
Introduce Yourself / Re: Happy To Be Back!
Last post by JeffC - Feb 11, 2025, 01:07 PM
Welcome back TommyGun. Glad to have you aboard. I've got to take some pictures of my projects and post them soon. I have refurbished quite a few bikes in the last year.
Bikes Made in France / Paris Sport 1968
Last post by tommygun - Feb 11, 2025, 12:36 PM
Here is the 1968 Paris Sport that I built when I worked in the Schwinn Store as a kid. It has seen many changes and additions since then, and has been ridden thousands of miles in its life, but now it mostly sits quietly in front of our fireplace in the family room for me to enjoy.

It started out as a frame hanging above the cash register at the shop, and I made weekly payments on it until it was mine. The picture is from the last time I went through it a couple of years ago. It has a Huret Jubilee rear derailleur and Campagnolo shifters, as it was built from whatever parts I could find and afford as a kid.


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Introduce Yourself / Happy To Be Back!
Last post by tommygun - Feb 11, 2025, 11:49 AM
Hi everyone. This is Tommy writing from sunny and dry Arizona, and I'm so glad that SBF lives again. I'm still kickin' but my bike activities have slowed down a bit lately with no new projects currently in the pipeline. There is plenty of maintenance that needs doing like a few flats and a lot of cleaning.

I'll be lurking around to see what's up with all my friends here and hopefully contribute something useful once in a while.

Ebay & Craigslist / Re: Schwinn Twinn
Last post by rickpaulos - Feb 02, 2025, 10:33 PM
Campus brown Twinn

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